Skin deep?

Personal Blog

I’m watching a programme about people who are covered in tattoos and piercings, and, as a person who has also modified their body quite a bit (15 tattoos and 11 piercings *was 15*) I feel the need to have a bit of a rant. Why is it that people who choose to express themselves in a way which causes no harm to anyone else, get such a bad reputation? I mean, employers are less likely to employ them and they get the response of “well you shouldn’t have had so many tattoos/piercings”… well why not? How in any way does what people put on/in their skin affect their abilities? I understand that some of these body modifications can look rather scary but in my experience these kind of people – the “weirdo’s” – are a hell of a lot nicer than the so called normal people I’ve encountered. I think that every one has the right to express themselves in which ever way they want to and as long as they do not hurt anyone else and they are happy / comfortable with themselves what does it really matter? This can be applied to a lot of things in life though, not just body modifications. People are always judged on the most superficial B.S. – sexuality, religion, gender association, weight, ethnicity, etc. etc. – Just because a person is different to you in some way does not necessarily mean that they are a bad person or they are wrong. That’s just life. If every one was the same and liked the same things it would be a really boring world to live in. We should celebrate our differences and learn to judge people by their actions and not on their image.  Sometimes this is easier said than done and I myself have been guilty of judging people by first impressions but surely the majority of us are intelligent enough to know not to judge a book by its cover! Lets stop making assumptions about people and get to know them before we condemn them; because as we all know, if you assume it just makes an ASS out of U and ME! Mainly you though for being a narrow minded imbecile.

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