10 day you challenge: Day 2 – 9 loves.

10 day you challenge

Continuing with the 10 day you challenge. I know technically I’m posting this on day three but I have been ill with bad migraines so catching up now.quotes_goethe_shaped-by-love_tribal-simplicity

Day 2: 9 Loves.

1. My baby girl (obviously) I love my daughter more than anything in the world. She has been my number one since the day she was born.
2. My sexy boyfriend. I am so lucky to have him. I haven’t had much luck with men in the past – and that is putting it nicely – but, that’s all changed now. I have finally met a wonderful man who treats me like a queen and my daughter like she is his own little princess. He truly is my saving grace.
3. My family and friends. Especially my cont of a mother. .. love her most ^-^ *disclaimer * cont is a jokey term of endearment used between me and my mom. Yes we are weird like that!

4. I love seeing my daughter completely happy. The kind of happy where she’s got a huge grin on her face and her eyes light up with joy. I love seeing her achieve new things and the pride on her face when she accomplishes new things.

5. I love the way my boyfriend crinkles his nose when he finds something really funny. He looks so cute in a cheeky kinda way. It is in those moments when I look at him and think how gorgeous he is and how much I love him.

6. Cuddles / snuggles with my boyfriend. I always feel better and can sleep What-We-Love-Determines-What-We-Seek-Love-quote-picturesbetter when I’m wrapped in his arms.

7. Dancing and singing with my daughter. There is nothing I love more than blasting music really loud and singing at the top of our voices whilst dancing around the living room… changing the lyrics to the songs so that they relate to us.

8. Having a good laugh with friends and family about the most ridiculous things; laughing so hard that tears are running down my face and I can’t breathe.

9. Reading a good book whilst relaxing in a nice hot bubble bath before getting in to bed with clean fresh sheets n p.jz.